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> 기술 목록 > Molex wins Bosch North America supplier of the year award

Molex wins Bosch North America supplier of the year award

업데이트 시간: 2019-12-20 12:08:09

Molex has been awarded the prestigious Bosch North America supplier of the year award 2018, a recognition of Molex's performance, portfolio and commitment to customers.

Carrieanne Piccard, senior vice President and general manager for transportation solutions at Molex, said, "it is a great honor to receive this recognition from Bosch, an important customer and long-time partner of Molex."It is important for both sides to work together to develop innovative solutions that are mutually beneficial and maintain close contact and close collaboration in the process.

A total of 17 winners from around the world, including Molex, were selected from among Bosch's 17,000 partners.The program tracks suppliers for two years, assessing their products, corporate culture and supplier relationships.On the basis of four points, Molex has finally gained acceptance:

Outstanding performance on all metrics in the delivery process and quality of engineering, technical and commercial solutions

A diverse portfolio of products to support global operations

In technical review and product development, Crazy 4 Success

Commitment to Bosch and perseverance in the face of adversity, including spearheading research such as the hygroscopic nature of the EPD and developing enhancements for the design and process of the T93

Stephan Boehm, Bosch's vice-president of corporate procurement and logistics, said: "Bosch's success in North America is based on competitiveness, high standards and innovative thinking.In the region, we can only achieve these qualities by working closely with our best-performing suppliers, our top partners such as Molex.

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